1 how to increase immunity power in the body naturally

how to increase immunity power in the body naturally
how to increase immunity power in the body naturally

How do you increase your Immunity? In general, your immune system plays an important role in shielding you against infection-causing microorganisms.

In a few cases, a few times it fails to protect from viruses and bacteria: flat germ attacks effectively and makes you ill. Is it possible to increase your Immunity in this cycle?

Immunity is classified into four types by scholars and researchers

Innate:(Inborn resistance) is the inherent capacity of the body to withstand the assault of bacteria 🦠 on the body. It includes the principal line of protection, similar to skin and mucous films. It is pretty much identified with the transformative parts of the being. 

Adaptive immunity:(Versatile in-vulnerability) is the thing that the body creates as you proceed with your life's excursion presenting yourself to different organic and natural changes. 

Passive immunity:(Uninvolved in-susceptibility) is for the most part connected with infants as they accept their resistance during the pregnancy from the placenta and later as long as eight months or one year through moms' bosom milk. This sort of wears off after a specific period. 

Vaccination:(Resistance) because vaccinations are the last class. Vaccination is the way toward presenting dead microbes or debilitated microorganisms, in little doses, into the body, guaranteeing that the body develops antibodies without falling wiped out.

Imagine a scenario where you work in your eating routine.

Take certain nutrients or homemade food.

Make other ways of life change in the desire for creating a good and healthy lifestyle.

2 how to increase t cells

T cells also known as T lymphocytes cells, WBC's(WHITE BLOOD CELLS) are contributing a major part in our immune system. 

how to increase t cells
how to increase t cells

WBC's (White blood cells)defend our body from diseases brought by bacteria and viruses. 

The "T" stands for thymus, a body organ inside our body where T-lymphocytes cells become mature. 

There are major types of lymphocytes cells which are the T cells, memory cells, B cells, and natural killer cells. 

These cells can fight foreign particles entering the body. Below are the functions of each cell.

If you have a low amount of T cells or white blood cells, you are likely to get acute chronic diseases.

3 how to increase immunity in kids{how to boost immunity in kids}

The natural immunity boosters are fruits. That's why in this topic on how to increase immunity in kids we use the list of the fruits on top.

   Fruits that help to boost immunity

Citrus:-The fruit which contains plenty of vitamin c is Citrus. vitamin c helps in curing Flu & Cold which commonly occur in the body. 

WHITE BLOOD CELLS (WBC) is a protector of our body from pathogens. Also increases by consuming vitamin c in our body which one of the resources is Citrus fruit.

How to increase wbc in body

Physicians and doctor also gives this advice to consume,

Fruits like grapes, oranges, and lemon, since the lack of these vitamins in our body ,doctor consult this dosage daily.

Papaya:- There are other fruits that also contain a High Amount of vitamin c like papaya. Papaya also has digestive enzymes.

Papaya for increase immunity
Papaya for increasing immunity

Stomach health is important for good immunity. Therefore consuming papaya is another way to maintain immunity.

Pomegranate:- Anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-tumor properties are important for maintaining a healthy body which Pomegranate has. This fruit also contains A, C, E vitamins, folic acid, for maintaining a healthy body.

Pomegranate juice for healthy lifestyle
Pomegranate juice for healthy body

Watermelon:- It is loaded with Vitamin A, B and C and important minerals like potassium and magnesium. It can be used raw, cut into pieces or in the form of fresh juice without adding sugar.

Immunity is also increases by vegetables or we says 

Vegetables which increases immunity

Garlic, mushroom, and green vegetables

Garlic:- Garlic is a flavonoid vegetable which contains antimicrobial properties which helps in protection of body health.


Mushroom:- minerals like zinc, magnesium, copper,potassium are loaded in mushroom.mushroom is a very good resource of minerals which helps in building immunity power.

Mushroom for immunity building
Mushroom for immunity building

Green-vegetables:- green vegetables are very rich in carotenoid ,fibres ,and minerals like iron and calcium vitamin c and k.

Green-vegitables for calcium and minerals
Green-vegitables for calcium and minerals

4 how to increase immunity at home

This is the easiest advice for self-care & and by understanding this you got the idea of how to increase immunity at home easily.

With the help of immunity-boosting herbs, supplements, foods & more. By adding a little schedule in your daily life you can increase your immunity at home easily.

According to Ayurvedic remedies (Treatment) or scholars of Ayurvedic medicines, consuming hot ginger tea with honey and lemon is one thing to do in the morning.

This simple and easy method to do every morning starts your journey to a healthy life. and this ginger tea is more calming as compared to coffee.

How to make ginger tea:

How to make ginger tea
How to make ginger tea

Boil water, cut 3-5 slices of fresh ginger, 1 nice big fresh lemon slice, and add a dollop of honey in a mug.

Pour hot water in a mug with all ingredients so it melts everything together.

Bonus: go for a walk with your tea!

You can also use this technique for increasing your Immunity at home by stimulating your thymus gland.

You can also do yoga and exercises at home to maintain healthy life 


Yoga is best way to maintain fitness of your body and mind

Yoga is amazingly effect your body in good manner this is best form of exercise which is you can add to your daily life routine


There are some forms of yoga that are best for a healthy and fit body.

Several asana forms(postures) like

Surya namaskar

Surya namaskar
Surya namaskar


Meditation for increase immunity

Adho Mukha Svanasana

Adho Mukha Svanasana
Adho Mukha Svanasana

Vrikshasana (Tree Pose) 

Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)
Vrikshasana (Tree Pose) 

 5 What drinks boost your immune system.

Immunity-Boosting Beverages to Drink When You get ILL(sick).

Strawberry and mango.

•Watermelon mint.

•Orange, grapefruit, citrus.

•Green apple, carrot, orange.

•Kale, tomato, celery.

•Strawberry and kiwi.

•Beet, carrot, ginger, apple.

•pumpkin seed.

6 how to increase immunity home remedies

Harvard Medical School says, immune health depends on the person 's age. As bodies age, the immunity of body naturally loses its power to maintain healthiness of body and more lean towards infections and diseases, 

Certain seeds and nuts like sunflower seeds, Flax seed, pumpkin seeds and melon seeds are good sources of protein and vitamin E. Probiotics like Yoghurt, Yakult and fermented food are also nice sources to give freshness to the composition of stomach bacteria, which is important for absorbing nutrition by the body.


In this article we research on how to increase immunity power naturally in the body and provide you with the best selected things for you to do for increasing your Immunity at home.

In this article we cover topics like beverages for increasing immunity and fruits. Some advice for you so you can add this advice to your daily routine.


Q1:- What happens if our T cells are unhealthy or low.

Ans1:-If you have low T cells or white blood cells, you are  

              likely to get acute to chronic diseases.

Q2 :- How can I build up my immunity ?

Ans2:-There are several ways to increase immunity power so it is hard to explain on this question but in short if i have to say how to increase immunity you should focus on your diet and daily routine.